Articles on: General Questions

How do I add another shop to my account?

Ff you would like to add more shops to your OktoRocket account, reach out to and provide us the following information:

Business Name:
New Shop Name:
New Shop Type (American/Asian, European, Diesel):
New Shop Postal Code:
New Shop Time Zone:
New Shop Bay Count:
New Shop Work Days (M-F, M-Sat, M-Sun):
New Shop Advertising Budget:
New Shop Labor Rate:
New Shop Management System (TekMetric, Shop-Ware, Protractor, Mitchell 1, RO Writer):

If TekMetric
Shop ID (you can find it here):

If Shop-Ware (you can find it here)
Tenant ID:
Shop ID:

If Protractor (you can find instructions here)
Connection ID:
API Key:
Auth ID:

Updated on: 18/06/2024

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