Articles on: Shop Management System Questions

Protractor Integration

Protractor Integration

This will show you how to get the information necessary to have OktoRocket integrate with your Protractor Instance.

In order for OktoRocket to connect to Protractor, an integration needs to be set up. Here are the steps to get your Connection ID, API Key and Authentication key for OktoRocket.

While inside the Protractor Software, click "Setup" at the top

In the quick links bar on the left, find and select "Integrated Services"

At the top, Click "Add"

A window will appear. The values OktoRocket needs are Connection ID, API Key and Authentication. If filling out the Onboarding form, copy and paste these values into the text boxes for the shop you are currently working with. Type in the name "OktoRocket" and click OK.

Updated on: 18/06/2024

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