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Shop Management System Questions
Questions related to the Shop Management Services OktoRocket integrates with
TekMetric Integration
TekMetric Integration For Tekmetric integration, you need to provide the Shop ID for your Shop and enable the OktoRocket integration in TekMetric This is how you get the Shop ID for your TekMetric shop. Go to Shop Settings in TekMetric - Your shop ID is the number at the end of the hyperlink. This is how to enable the OktoRocket Integration for your Tekmetric Shop frame Add OktoRocket
How to Set A Default Technician in TekMetric
To set a Default Technician for a ticket in Tekmetric, go to that specific ticket and in the area shown below, enter the technicians name Tekmetric Screen Shot
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What's the difference between posted and complete?
Long answer is that some SMS systems provide a completed date for A/R instead of posted. TekMetric, for example lumps all posted and A/R together for totals. OktoRocket can separate your A/R (Complete) from your Posted so you can see the difference with actual money collection. By default we have this turned off so that your numbers match TekMetric, however we can make it so that your A/R shows up as Complete and if you select just the Posted, you will not see A/R on the dashboard. Let us know i
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Where does OktoRocket pull the marketing information from in TekMetric?
the RO Marketing Source on the ticket
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Shop-Ware Integration
ShopWare Integration This will show you how to get your Tenant ID and Shop ID's for your ShopWare system. In order for OktoRocket to connect to ShopWare, it needs a Tenant ID and a Shop ID. ShopWare doesn't make these obvious to the end user, however you can get them from the URL's for settings. Below are instructions on how to extract the appropriate ID's. While logged into the ShopWare web portal, click your profile icon and select "Account Settings" (https://storage.
How OktoRocket Calculates Shop-Ware Close Ratio and Tech Quote with Shop-Ware data
When determining Close Ratio and Tech Quote in OktoRocket for Shop-Ware, we use recommendations. If you do not use recommendations, OktoRocket assumes everything on the ticket has been approved because there is no approval history. When you use recommendations, we can see what recommendations were approved and moved to the ticket and which were not. This allows us to calculate an accurate Close Ratio and Tech Quote.
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How to Set OktoRocket Integration in Shop-Ware
To enable integration for OktoRocket in Shop-Ware, go to Account Settings in Shop-Ware and then click the API Connections tab. From there, check the checkbox that's labeled OktoRocket.
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Shop-Ware & OktoRocket technician hours are not matching up.
In the spirit of the original Sales Tracker that was created by Shop Fix, OktoRocket follows a similar model in that it is showing Technician Quoted Hours, not Production Hours.
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Mitchell 1/RO Writer
Restart OktoRocket Integration Service
Restart OktoRocket Integration Service How to restart the service that sync's your SMS data with OktoRocket. On the computer hosting OktoRocket (usually your Host/Server), click the Start button Type in services An app should show up called Services Click the Services app You sh
How to assign a default Technician in Mitchell 1
Open the ticket you are looking to set a default technician for. Click "Options" Select the Default Technician for Labor Click "Done" On the next sync, OktoRocket should pick up a tech for the ticket.
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When you close a ticket and the OktoRocket updates is it supposed to put old revisions in the quote section?
If the old revisions were created within a certain time window, it will include them. Past that time, they will not be included.
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How do I set up OktoRocket to recognize rollover with Mitchell 1 or RO Writer?
In order to get Rollover working with your SMS, you will need to start tracking tickets by Status Description. OktoRocket uses statuses to know when a ticket is sold. It then attaches a sold date to your tickets once it sees a sold/authorized status applied to a ticket. It can then use those sold dates to account for rollover.
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Protractor Integration
Protractor Integration This will show you how to get the information necessary to have OktoRocket integrate with your Protractor Instance. In order for OktoRocket to connect to Protractor, an integration needs to be set up. Here are the steps to get your Connection ID, API Key and Authentication key for OktoRocket. While inside the Protractor Software, click "Setup" at the top
If I am using one shop management system (SMS) and switch to another in the middle of a month, can I still keep integrated with OktoRocket?
Yes, when you migrate to the new shop management system (SMS) we can integrate you to make sure you have continuous data flow. Just let our support team know that you are switching to a new SMS and they will guide you through the process
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